• Saying hello

    This blog has been a long time coming.

    For many years, I didn’t have the bandwidth to consider writing for public consumption. By the time I had the mental space and time to seriously consider blogging, I wondered whether the blogging moment had passed. Isn’t a blog very 2003? Does anyone even read blogs anymore? This conversation has been popping up quite a bit out in social-media land lately.

    To be completely honest, there was a big part of me that believed that I couldn’t start a blog unless I was trying to make a career of it. I felt like I needed to be trying to build a platform (yuck) in order justify spending time and energy on writing and putting it out into the world for people to read. Where did I get this idea? I’m not really sure, but it was there, and it was real.

    Ultimately, it was conversations with some friends from Christ and Pop Culture in a Voxer group dedicated to one of our favorite CAPC podcasts that convinced me to take the plunge. (And no, there is no more 2019 sentence than that.) In particular, my friend Laura wrote a wonderful piece, Village Poet, over at Servants of Grace, which casts a lovely vision for sharing our words with the people who know us.

    So, that’s what I plan to do here. To paraphrase Emily Freeman, I’ve decided to do the next right thing and see how it goes. I hope you will join me! Read, share, and connect with me on social media and in real life. Let’s have a conversation.